One of the most special features of the red pencil fish is its coloring. As well as the three dark horizontal stripes on a golden background. These increase in intensity depending on the fish. If it is an adult male, the reddish color is even more intense. Like the species of the same genus, it lacks an adipose fin.
It is about de peces very prone to being able to live in domestic aquariums along with other species. Although you have to be careful during the mating season. Given that males tend to become very territorial and uncompromising with the rest of the males. They differ very well from females. The males present between the two upper lines a red coloration that begins at the birth of the eye and extends to the tail fin.
A fish that lives in commune
The red pencil fish is a specimen of just 4 cm, therefore, it can live perfectly in an aquarium of no more than 60 liters. They are very sociable fish with each other and they have to live in communes of, around, a dozen de peces so that they don't feel depressed and can flutter. This is their natural habitat and this is how we have to provide it for them in the aquarium.
The waters have to be slightly acidic neutral. Up to 6,5º Ph. Very soft to moderately hard. The aquarium temperature has to be around 24 degrees. Filtration must be efficient without expanding particles and filtration with a load of peat is recommended. Periodic water changes are also recommended. Approximately every fifteen days.
The pencil fish is an omnivorous species. Therefore it will accept all types of food without any problem once adapted to the aquarium. While they are during the adaptation stage, live food such as red and white larvae, cyclops or similar must be given.
The aquarium needs to have plants so that the pencil fish can hide at the same time serves as a refuge. They like to swim both on the surface and on the bottom.