Neither lack nor excess of oxygen in the aquarium
When we begin to prepare the aquarium so that our small pets can live in good conditions, we need to know the amount...
When we begin to prepare the aquarium so that our small pets can live in good conditions, we need to know the amount...
When we have a community aquarium, one of the main health problems that frequently affects fish...
It is not the first time we have seen a fish upside down. No, what we are saying is not for...
Although we see our fish in the aquarium, generally protected, away from external agents, possible predators, etc. Also...
The provocation of cysts on the skin of the fish and inside it is what we know as nodulosis,...
The swim bladder is a sac-shaped membranous organ, located above most organs...
Hexamite is the protozzo that especially affects discus fish. The hexamite takes advantage of the fact that the fish is...
The most important pathologies that tetra fish can suffer are parasites. Especially the parasite known as Pleistophora...
In most of the fish that we have in the aquarium, you can tell that they are sick simply by...
The betta is a fish that is very prone to suffering from diseases or pathologies that can put the health of the...
There are many diseases and bacteria that guppies can contract, however there are several processes, the most common...